Scandi / Movies / Gallery of God
Gallery of God
A student at a preparatory art school gets a mission from God to create 'the perfect piece of art' for the school's degree exhibition. An ancient syndicate of commercial and sponsored artists tries to stop her.
Jeff Koon’s balloon dog turns into the perfect weapon in a satirical, playful, and absurdist film where art undergoes an existential crisis. Two weeks before the graduation exhibition at an art school, the new principal Jack von Rosen takes office. During his presentation, he presents business-oriented ideas and it turns out that he secretly represents an ancient society that wants to commercialise art. Meanwhile, one of the students, Irma, is commissioned by God to create the perfect work of art and thereby becomes a target for Jack and his company. The debuting directors from the collective KonstAB however, do not let Irma stand alone in the fight, but give her support from the school’s two lecturers and a Danish Dadaist.
Tickets and programme
Directed by
Filip Aladdin, Ossian Melin
Written by
Filip Aladdin, Ossian Melin
Edited by
Ossian Melin
Filip Aladdin
Sound by
David Kuuse
Music by
Aron McFaul
Isabelle Grill, Magnus Krepper, Lisa Lindgren, Victoria Dyrstad
Original title
Vernissage hos Gud
English title
Gallery of God
Running time
93 min
Adventurous, Fantasy, Comedy
Age rating
Release date
18. 1. 2024
Check out the programme in your local cinemas
The festival takes place in cinemas throughout the Slovakia.
Banská Štiavnica • Kino Akademikx
Betliar • Kino Úsvitx
Bratislava • Artkino za Zrkadlomx
Bratislava • Cinema City Euroveax
Bratislava • Kino Film Europex
Bratislava • Kino Lúkyx
Bratislava • Kino Lumièrex
Bratislava • Kino Lumière x SNGx
Bratislava • Kino Mladosťx
Bratislava • Kino SĽUKx
Dolný Kubín • Oravská knižnica Antona Habovštiakax
Dubnica nad Váhom • Kino Lastovičkax
Hlohovec • Kino Úsmevx
Kalinovo • FK Obývačkax
Košice • Kasárne Kulturparkx
Košice • Kino Úsmevx
Kremnica • Kino Akropolax
Levoča • Kino Úsmevx
Liptovský Mikuláš • Kino Nicolausx
Lučenec • FK Priestorx
Malacky • Kino Záhoranx
Martin • Kino Moskvax
Modra • Kino Mierx
Námestovo • Kino Kultúrax
Nitra • Kinoklub Nitrax
Nitra • Mlyny Cinemasx
Nové Zámky • Kino Mierx
Piešťany • Kino Fontánax
Poprad • Kino Tatranx
Prešov • Kino Pocity na Stromoradíx
Prievidza • Filmový klub FK´93 pri KaSS Prievidzax
Púchov • KC Podivný barónx
Ružomberok • Kino Kultúrax
Senec • Kino Mierx
Sereď • Kino Novax
Spišská Nová Ves • Kino Mierx
Trenčín • Artkino Metrox
Trnava • Kino Hviezdax
Žilina • Rosenfeldov palácx
Žilina • Stanica Žilina-Záriečiex
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