Ryan Keating pozýva na film Na ceste s mamou
Scandi / Movies / Driving Mum
Driving Mum
Tallinn BNFF
Best Film, Best Music
A man tries to honour his mother’s dying wish to be buried in her home in a remote Icelandic village … by propping her up in the back seat of his car and driving her there.
Jon is a middle-aged man who lives with his elderly mother in rural Iceland. His overbearing mother always knows what’s best so it's only natural that when she dies, Jon fulfils her very specific wishes on how to be laid to rest. He dresses her dead body, does her make-up and puts her in the back seat of his car along with his loyal dog Bresnef to drive across the country. Accompanying loved ones on their final journey is always a sordid affair, but in this dark comedy, it’s quite the opposite. What makes this film special however, is the author’s and actors’ unique sympathy and understanding of its characters, making it one of the brightest and most memorable film experiences of the year.
Tickets and programme
Directed by
Hilmar Oddsson
Written by
Hilmar Oddsson
Edited by
Hendrik Mägar
Óttar Guðnason
Sound by
Ranno Tislar
Music by
Tõnu Kõrvits
Þröstur Leó Gunnarsson, Kristbjörg Kjeld, Hera Hilmar, Tómas Lemarquis
Original title
Á Ferð með Mömmu
English title
Driving Mum
Iceland, Estonia
Running time
112 min
Drama, Comedy, Road movie
Age rating
Release date
21. 3. 2024
Check out the programme in your local cinemas
The festival takes place in cinemas throughout the Slovakia.
Banská Štiavnica • Kino Akademikx
Betliar • Kino Úsvitx
Bratislava • Artkino za Zrkadlomx
Bratislava • Cinema City Euroveax
Bratislava • Kino Film Europex
Bratislava • Kino Lúkyx
Bratislava • Kino Lumièrex
Bratislava • Kino Lumière x SNGx
Bratislava • Kino Mladosťx
Bratislava • Kino SĽUKx
Dolný Kubín • Oravská knižnica Antona Habovštiakax
Dubnica nad Váhom • Kino Lastovičkax
Hlohovec • Kino Úsmevx
Kalinovo • FK Obývačkax
Košice • Kasárne Kulturparkx
Košice • Kino Úsmevx
Kremnica • Kino Akropolax
Levoča • Kino Úsmevx
Liptovský Mikuláš • Kino Nicolausx
Lučenec • FK Priestorx
Malacky • Kino Záhoranx
Martin • Kino Moskvax
Modra • Kino Mierx
Námestovo • Kino Kultúrax
Nitra • Kinoklub Nitrax
Nitra • Mlyny Cinemasx
Nové Zámky • Kino Mierx
Piešťany • Kino Fontánax
Poprad • Kino Tatranx
Prešov • Kino Pocity na Stromoradíx
Prievidza • Filmový klub FK´93 pri KaSS Prievidzax
Púchov • KC Podivný barónx
Ružomberok • Kino Kultúrax
Senec • Kino Mierx
Sereď • Kino Novax
Spišská Nová Ves • Kino Mierx
Trenčín • Artkino Metrox
Trnava • Kino Hviezdax
Žilina • Rosenfeldov palácx
Žilina • Stanica Žilina-Záriečiex
Progam is empty.


Media reception

Screen Daily
„Enjoyably dark and dour comedy road movie' from beyond - or before - the grave."
Eye For Film
★★★★ "An Icelandic odyssey."
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